19 September 2007

Don't Taser Me Bro

Ah, I have returned, my most glorious of readers! Hello to all three of you. LOL

I have tried to think of what I should enter for a new post and keep getting twisted. Should I attack Nanny Laws, or try to exemplify the lack of interpersonal respect I see growing in the US, add commentary on the lousy candidates for president, or do something random?

Here is what I came up with:

The situation with Taser Boy at UF, has had me in stitches all day. The idea it looked like a Monty Python Skit made me laugh. The plain fact that no one is coming out of the situation looking good is a side bar. I know I should be concerned, but the guy got what he wanted.

Now here are two talking points I have been following on the subject.

The first is freedom of Speech.

How did anything, that the Security People did, remove his freedom of speech? No one gaged him, he screamed freely. He even has a greater audience through the coverage of the event. I mean, does anyone know what the guy right before him was talking about? Unlike the speaker/questioner directly before him, everyone who has heard a report on the incident, has an idea of what taser boy was talking about.

His actions, such as cutting in line, trying to control the mic, and trying to use more time than allotted, infringed on the other peoples freedom of Speech and assemble. He stole the show and ensured his was the only speech that was well known.

My first "Here's what Mid-Knight Thinks" of the day:

Chaos does not promote freedom of speech, it promotes freedom to be loud. A thousand voices speaking at the same time has the same effect that silencing them does. You need order to ensure an Idea is heard. A thousand voices speaking as one, or one voice speaking for a thousand, or 999 silences listening to one voice, is more clear and effective.

The Second Talking-Point I have seen today is Police Brutality.

I do not believe that the "Taser" incident was a good example of police brutality, nor do I believe it was a good example of the proper use of force by the police. The situation was to overtly manipulated at the scene for anyone not there to make a good judgement.

Do I think Police Brutality exist? Hell yes. Do I think it is prevalent? Hell no.

The fact is "tasers" and pain compliance techniques were developed to be less brutal. The "hero" here could have been shot or beaten into submission, but he wasn't. Had either party been just a little bit more polite things would have been done better.

Here is the issue I am having here. Myself (a corrections officer), or your average law enforcement officer, or a Judo/Jujitsu practitioner's, or your average high school wrestler, could have planted Taser Boy with a couple of different maneuvers. It would have been brutal, it would have been sudden, it would have been spectacular looking, and it would have been final. The UF security guys were, in my eyes, to nice when he started resisting. If he had hurt someone or was a true threat the security guys would have been less concerned with his safety. He should have been warned then tased. The actual tasing came to late in the event, almost like an after thought or "gee, it would have been easier if I Tased him". But, in the end, it is impossible to painlessly cuff any non-compliant person.

My second "Here's what Mid-Knight Thinks":

I am no expert, but here is how I would have handled it.

3 Officers, 1 -TL (Team Leader) and 2 Responders

Upon request the TL would have had his Taser on the guy ready to shoot.
The 2 responders would have approached him on the left and right.
The TL would have asked him to leave.
If he declined, the TL would increase the rate, tone, pitch, and volume for his second request.
If he refused again, the TL would repeat his request adding that he will use the taser if necessary; while the responders took the perp by the arms to escort him out.
If he pulled away or became agressive the TL would play tag with him using the taser.
If he just resisted by playing dead or dragging his feet, the 2 responders would have brought him to a controlling surface (I.E. Floor or Wall) and proceeded to cuff him.

Again it is impossible to painlessly cuff a non-compliant person.

In my scenario, the taser would only be deployed if the perp had either gotten loose and tried to flee, gotten loose and took up an offensive stance, or had managed to gain control of one of the officers.

16 September 2007

E-Mail from a Friend

To: ME
Subject: Furious!
Am I the only person in America that is totally FURIOUS about what's going on in this country? How dare they "dis" General Petraeus! I can't believe that Americans are so dumb or at least so quiet. (not to mention the Republicans, oh yeah).

And then there were the two big final tennis matches of the US Open...Did anyone except me notice that they did not play the National Anthem? They played God Bless America instead. God Bless America is a fine wonderful hymn but it is NOT the national Anthem.
Help! I need a cold compress on my head!

My reply!


I worked for GEN Petraeus in Iraq. It was his command that you and the school sent things too. It was appreciated. He is a good man and deserved better. We as a Nation seem to be going through a Identity Crisis. Everyone was so upset about Brittney, yet very few were upset about the baseless character assignation of the General.

I didn't see the Tennis Thing because I was in the Hostage Negotiation School, but that is wrong on a couple of levels. I am surprised, that no one has hit them with a discrimination charge. I assume there are other religions allowed to play tennis. It also seems wrong, because it is the US Open, not the Someone Else Besides the US Open.

Here are a couple I picked up this week or so.

Democratic Senators running for President claiming Bush is a big spender (Duh!), yet this Democratic control Congress/Senate, in under a year, has had more pork spending than any other Congress/Senate during the Bush Administration.

Some Millionaire Guy gets lost and probably dies flying his plane, and thousands of people are mobilized to look for him. A pretty CO-ED goes missing and it's just a minor search, and a 14 year old girl of Sri Lankan/Spanish background does not even get a national commentary. First time I ever saw MWMS trump MPWWS. (Missing White Millionaire Syndrome vs Missing Pretty White Woman Syndrome (yes that is real, Google it)).

Why do people not seem to understand that Universal Health Care and Socialist Health Care are interchangeable descriptions? Why are the Republicans seemingly pushing for Fascism and the Democrats Socialism? Do you think even 1/2 of the people using words that end in an "ism" on the Internet know what they mean?

Do you think anyone else thinks it ironic, to see political activist, Anti-Semites, peace nicks, the 911 twoof movement, and many other groups that claim they're against the Capitalistic Military-Industrial Complex; accepting Visa, MasterCard, AMEX, and Discover Card, while selling their slogans on T-shirts and bumper stickers?

06 September 2007

Been There, Done That

Ok, for the thousands of you yet to read my post, I am not a member of the "Truth" Movement. It is a pile of Shit.

I use to think that there would be nothing wrong with allowing a new investigation. I sunk into researching evidence, checking facts, and reviewing theories. I looked at the logical and the illogical. I watch movies, posted on forums, and read blogs. I found things that made me rub my chin, but nothing that made discredit the so called official CT.

Wait you say! You just wrote that things made you ask questions and wonder! You have too mistrust the final account! To which I answer NO!!

I did not find a single bit of evidence to indicate malice on the part of the Government. Point of fact, the very reasons I mistrust government bureaucracy, lead me to believe the government had nothing to do with it.

If at this point in my narrative you're stuttering and sputtering!! I think you have not look into this well at all. In fact I dare say you've read only 1/2 of the issue, either debunker or truther.

To avoid having to answer questions from both sides, I am going to try and show you the type of stuff that makes me go ummm. When I was about 14, my sister and I were returning back to a boys Camp she worked at and I was training to work at. We encountered a car accident within minutes of it happening (long before cell phones), another car had gotten there right before us, and one of it's occupants had gone to call the police. I remember the person explaining that to us when I saw the head. I would later find out the head belonged to one of the drivers involved in a two car accident. Two groups of teens had been out and unfortunately collided at high speeds on a sharp corner, none survived. I do not remember if alcohol was involved. I do remember thinking that you could not tell where one car stopped and the other began in the wreckage. I remember first wondering about how different the head looked than the movies portray. I then wondered how it had made it out of the wreckage. There were also pieces of clothing and shoes. I could think of reasons why and how those made it out of the wreckage, but it wasn't like the guy was not wearing his head and it was left in the cars trunk.

Did the head make me go UMM? Yes! Was it in any way a significant piece of evidence? I don't think so. It might have demonstrated an unknown safety hazard, or possibly the position the driver was in. But as too the cause of the accident, I would think that skid marks and and total wreckage location would have been better evidence. But maybe someone chopped off the head and then set up the accident, or maybe the guy had his head out of the window because something was blocking his vision or someone farted, or maybe two groups of teens were driving too fast and collided.

Another UMM! In a documentary on the Titanic I saw, the investigators found a group of buttons, a belt buckle, and pieces of shoes. Separately it would have amazed me in that they found them at all. Together and laid out like they were, these pieces were more amazing. To me it looked like a body had landed and lain in the same position until everything not metallic had rotted away. I thought to myself, why didn't a current move the body, or fishes eating the corpse disrupt the straight line that could be drawn by connecting the buttons? If their had been no body and this was just empty clothing that had floated down, how did it land so perfectly, with the boots then the belt buckle and then the shirt buttons? And what the F#$% did it have to do with the ship sinking?

No, I dare say nothing that made me rub my chin, made me doubt the plausible OCT. The fact that no two truthers can come up with the same Unofficial CT, leads me to believe that even if another investigation was done, someone would be unhappy and want another one. Until Truthers can come up with plausible, logical, and irrefutable evidence, they should get squat.

But hell I am in a Physc Ward Also.

04 September 2007

Hello from the MH Wing

Hi, I am just starting and this is my first post, I hope to update regularly