26 December 2007

A Thank You to the Citizens

Michael Yon on his Blog has a heart warming letter from LTC Jim Cryider.

22 December 2007

Go Gravy, Go Gravy

From the World of Debunking to the Truthers of the World. Merry/Happy what ever you feel like having.

17 December 2007

How much news from Iraq is truly like this?


From experience, I believe a lot of the News from there is like this examplified at Gatewaypundit.

30 October 2007

Today's Rant

Some how my font was set on Hindi below. LOL

I have thousands of rants running in my head and so little time to write them here. So here we go, just a few quick ones.

Why do we as a Nation teach our children that what others think of them doesn't matter, yet we are concerned with what other nations think of us?

Why, when during the 1980s an 1990s we saw socialist government after socialist government fail, do we suddenly want to establish so many socialist policies, universal health care, increased welfare, ETC.? Is it a growing phase for government, like a child has growing phases?

I am sorry that people loose everything they own during natural disasters, but why is it my responsibility to assist someone rebuilding a house in a natural disaster zone? I was brought up in an area prone to flooding. I was taught that two types of people built in the yearly flood areas. Those that could not afford land else where, and could not afford flood insurance, and those that could afford flood insurance. The first group knew their risk, but owning property was more important. They usually had escape plans and/or were prepared to rebuild if necessary. It was a risk they chose to take to improve themselves. My family came from these people. Welfare was a sin, and only for those who could not or would not help themselves. The second group of people that built there usually could afford the losses. It was simple, if you could afford land and not insurance, don't build or buy in a flood zone unless you were prepared to help yourself. Same should go for fires, hurricanes, mudslides, blizzards, and everything else.

टुडे's Rant

ओके, इ हवे अ प्रॉब्लम विथ माय ब्लोग.....वहत इस उप विथ थिस व्रितिंग?

23 October 2007

What are we Thinking!

This may be inflammatory, but why would we consider burning the American Flag and/or stuffed dummies in effigy a freedom of speech issue, yet want to ban the Noose?

Surprisingly, I am against banning flag burning. I am also against outlawing words. And, I am against outlawing symbols.

This does not mean that using them is right. Point of fact there are a lot of things I don't think are right and would not do, but feel Americans should have the right to do them. Just because your actions make you an asshole, does not mean you don't have the right to be one.

Although few and far between, and many probably have deeper stories than their anecdotal meanings, there are cases where children have been suspended or expelled from schools for wrongly interpreted rules. A school bans weapons and a kindergartner gets expelled for bringing in their Nerf shooter, or a young lady gets suspended for her nail file. Towns create ordinances about what can be displayed in their front yards, and people end up getting fined for having flags waving on the 4th of July or Nativity scenes during Christmas. If we start banning nooses are games of hang man going to get kids in trouble? Are certain classic Halloween decorations going to get people fined or arrested?

21 October 2007


Over at Zombie Time http://www.zombietime.com/presidential_campaign_sunday/

They have an interesting bit on a local candidate running for President. He won't get elected, nor even heard of, but he does have some interesting ideas on some political subjects. I have cut and pasted the parts I want to comment on, as I feel they are relevant and hit many areas of current campaign issues. My discussion in red.

What's all this got to do with presidential politics, you say? Everything! Because Frank Moore recently declared his candidacy for President of the United States. He even started his own political party, "The Just Makes Sense Party," and chose as his running mate sex activist Dr. Susan Block.

A sex activist? Common that's an unfair advantage in the Male 18-100 demographic. LOL

To legitimately compare Frank Moore to the other candidates we'll visit later today, let's take his campaign seriously and see where he stands on the issues. Luckily, he has published a fairly comprehensive platform on his campaign Web site. It turns out that Moore has some very creative ideas that totally overturn the outdated concept of a left/right divide in political thinking. Here are a few highlights which I find particularly intriguing:

• "I'll do away with welfare and social security. Instead, every American will receive a minimum income of $1,000 a month."

This is actually an interesting Idea. I wonder how the math would work out. It might be cheaper. I would make it a voting adult of 18 or over.

I don't know what I was thinking when I wrote the above. This is purely a socialist act. The redistribution of wealth. I would earn, due to the number of people in my family, almost twice as much per month as I do now, why would I go to work? This would just promote laziness and decrease productivity. It would punish those willing to create an income to be taxed, while encouraging those willing to take the easy ride.

• "Government should leave marriage to churches. Instead, any two or more adults who have been living together for at least 2 years should be able to register as a 'family.'"

Another interesting idea. I have little to say, I think the whole Gay Marriage issue is a red herring and smoke screen used by politicians to distract us from other issues. The Gov should stay out of my bedroom, my religion, and my personal values.

• "An individual taxpayer will be able to direct her taxes to what functions she wants to support. But corporate taxpayers should not have this option."

I agree on principle, but believe it is wishful thinking. It would be neat to see what the American people would not wish to pay for, but how would you keep someone from not using the infrastructure if they don't want to pay for it with taxes? How about national defence? Sorry, can't protect you, you didn't help pay my wages for being a soldier.

• "All businesses selling their products in the U.S. will have to certify that their products were manufactured in accordance with this country's labor, wage, environmental, and safety laws."

Ok, this one is pointless. Most of it is already covered under current laws, and from what I understand a lot of other countries have more stringent Environmental and Safety Laws. So, would American Companies be required to do the same for countries they sell too? I understand a lot of people get angry when an American business goes to another country for cheaper labor, therefore giving Americans cheaper prices and higher unemployment. So if your upset over that, I hope your willing to pay more for more employment. Now if your just against Big Business using cheap labor because those poor people work hard for so little, how would you feel if you took away their wages and employment by making it less cost effective for American businesses to use them? Sometimes working for pennies a day is better than subsistence farming, especially when you don't own a farm. Are slave wages better than no wages when you need to feed your family?

• "The use of drugs should be legalized and taxed. Pot and spirits should be sold over the counter to adults only. Tobacco and other addictive drugs should be sold by prescription only."

Interesting phrasing and subject. First, spirits are highly addictive, and one of our largest health and welfare issues (AA came way before NA). Second, I find it funny that Pot Users provide many of the same arguments Tobacco Users were using 50 years ago. I also don't believe it is not addicting. I will believe it is not addicting when a daily user stops using it forever without ever wanting to take another tote. I know people that only drink on New Years Eve, and only smoke cigars during Annual Training, I believe addiction is a disease. Now, that does not mean I am against legalizing pot, go ahead, I would rather tax it then pay for the prosecution of someone using or selling it. I do not believe it is anymore dangerous that tobacco or spirits.

• "The President should have a line veto. But the Congress can over-turn this line veto by a simple majority. Also bills should be limited to 5 pages in length and/or limited to one subject."

100% Agree

• "Prisons should be only for violent or otherwise dangerous criminals. Prisons should be a part of the health and educational system and should include drug rehab programs."

Please define violent and dangerous. Is speeding a "lockup" offense? I mean it is dangerous to you and others. Is a non-armed note carrying bank robber more or less violent and dangerous that a con man using the Internet to bilk the elderly out of their retirement funds? Should either be incarcerated? How about repeat non-violent offenders?

Funny thing about prisons and health, education, and rehab, is that most have it available, but as Americans we cannot force people to use them. They can be incentives like reduced sentences for completing a GED, or the return of privileges for attending rehab or AA, but you cannot force someone to do these if they don't want to, nor can you force them to use any to their advantage.

Others of his positions are admirable in principle, but seem overly optimistic in that they're simply unaffordable:

• "We will have universal prenatal-to-the-grave health care and universal free education with equal access."

Ok, yes we have to do something about the cost of health care, insurance, and education. But allowing the government that brought you FEMA, and/or has an approval rating below 30% to decided about how these issues are controlled is ridiculous. How would this effect the Abortion issue? The Stem Cell Issue? Your freedom of choice? How about evolution versus intelligent design in classrooms? Sex education? Or, progressive versus Conservative teachers, are we going to control curriculum of colleges? I have only heard one good argument for Universal Health Care, and that was it could boost the economy by reducing the need for small businesses to provide health insurance for employees. I wonder if the tax increase would counteract the benefit? education should be a local issue. Insurance is a over litigation issue. I have no idea about health care, but government controlled seems dangerous to me.

• "Public mass transit will be free, 24/7, and reliable."

Bullshit, another local issue that should not be federally controlled. I agree with Ron Paul on this one, airline security should be a responsibility of the Airline Companies, and not the government. Likewise, cost and reliability of mass transit should be the responsibility of private companies that will loose contracts and money if they don't perform.

• "We will encourage electric cars, fast trains, clean sustainable decentralized energy generators."

Great Ideas! How about this, I am for local government control of utilities (water, electricity), cable, Internet, and phone. I'll have more on this for later, but for now I believe these should be private companies provided government contracts of a 1 year length.

As for foreign affairs and national defense, Moore seems to be very much an old-school peacenik:

• "I'll cut the military budget by at least half."

No way, this always hurts the soldiers, never the real problem of over spending on military equipment. Most of the junior enlisted are paid at the poverty level, and would be unable to support themselves without the housing, food, and care provided by the military. Salaries for the upper ranks are not competitive with civilian occupations requiring the same experience and education. How would cutting these help anyone?

• "I will destroy 10 percent of our nuclear weapons each year to reverse the nuclear arms race."

No problems here

• "We will stop giving/selling arms to other countries. All private arms sales should be illegal."

LOL, yeah sure that will work. How about military construction equipment?

• "I will bring the troops home from Iraq immediately."

I love this, and then what? Anyone? 1 Step planning got us into this, it is not going to get us out.

Though in an interview he declared that he will support an independent Israel, alongside a new Palestinian state -- a position pretty much identical to that of the Bush administration:

• "I'll work for a sustainable Israel and sustainable Palestine with the civil and human rights insured for all the inhabitants of both nations. In other words, my policies would be even-handed. "

No issues here

In the same interview, after discussing his anti-militaristic policies, he added this intriguing and dire warning to America's enemies:

• "But after saying all this, I am quite able and willing to confront acts of insanity with the unexpected which will be extremely effective!"

Like what and how? You reduced military funding, opened the prisons, and domesticated the society by paying us 1K for breathing. What could you do? Start a pie trowing contest?

Cable is Criminal

Yes, it has been a while, sorry. But today I am hopefully going to get two in.

The first is something that is annoying me: Cable TV.

Within the last year my cable company went from Adelphia to Comcast. I was already being overcharged in my opinion by Adelphia, but now Comcast is going to raise the bill for the same package. This might not have bothered me if I had valid and available competition, but DSL services doesn’t reach my home right now, and I don’t see where satellite options are any better, and the local area does not have a competing cable company. I already have my house wired, two fold, as a water leak issue destroyed the original outside, junction to house cable and some dipweed thought the problem was with the house wiring and could not be bothered to snake lines and such. The previous owner had wired the cable through the attic and put it in with piping so the brick work of the house would not be an issue. This new wiring was put in through the basement and the installer just drilled through the floor and fed wire. It was something I should have done and/or corrected before he started, but I was busy with other things and have now learned a lesson.

Here is my problem with all of the non-antenna systems: I CAN PICK A PACKAGE, BUT NOT AN INDIVIDUAL CHANNEL. And I say this is BULLSHIT.

I have the full boat, because I can’t get what I want to watch without getting hundreds of channels I don’t want. The cable company says that packages are all they can do. What I want is a menu where I can pick what channels I want without having to pay for channels I don’t want. The cable company says this will cost me more. How so I say? Will I need a scientist to tell me how this works? All the channels are already coming into my house. All the cable company does is send a message to my cable box and an electronic switch is flipped giving me the package. They can already differentiate between channels. Go ahead and try it, ask to order just Cinemax and not Stars, TMC, HBO, or Showtime, they will require you get all the lesser packages, but they can give you just Cinemax and not the other premiums. Also, if you have a On-Demand Package you can get what ever program they are offering at any time. But somehow they don’t have the technology or ability to give me just the channels I want?

I will give you an example of how I believe it should work. I am using rounded up and magical thinking numbers for example only.

Currently the system works like this: I pay $10 for a 10 Channel Package, the total bill is $18.75. If I cancel the package and return my box, but leave in the cable wire, I still get the 10 channels pumped into my house, but I have no way to watch them. I already rent the box $3.75, so rent is not included in the cost of the package, and all the other 990 channels are there too so the additional line charge ($5)in the total price can’t be part of the package cost. I paid for the installation so that is not part of the $10. That $10 is just a maintenance bill. (A flipped electronic switch and the cost of keeping the switch flipped)

I want to pay just $1 for 1 Channel, in fact I would pay $10 dollars just have the ten channels I want, instead of 9 channels I never watch. In real life, the actual cost per channel is much less, and it might be cost effective for someone with regular multi-channel viewing habits to use the package format, but not for me and my 4 out of 900+.

So, come on cable, either give me a channel per channel choice, or a package choice where I choose what channels I get in the package.

09 October 2007

Just a Comment on Iraq

I served with the Multi-National Security Transition Command - Iraq (MNSTC-I) between 2004 and 2006. I was responsible for writing the Statement of Work for the ISOF's Base Support at their original training area. They are a superb Iraqi Unit.

The IZAF was just getting off the ground (pun intended) when I was there. There primary mission was recon for ground forces.

In my opinion the keys to success are providing the Iraqis Security, Employment, and Empowerment.

Security - Coalition first and then phase in Iraqi

Employment - Using the security get the people back to work, not necessarily Coalition Supplied work.

Empowerment - The Iraqi people need to feel they are in control and can make their own choices in how their country should work. The coalition needs to become a supporting force, instead of a controlling force.

Just my 2 cents.

07 October 2007

Nanny Laws

I am going to start a list of Nanny Laws. In a while I will start to discuss these and the explain why I believe many should be revoked, changed, and/or eliminated.

Seat Belt Laws for Adults
Speeding Laws
Smoking Bans
Age of Consents
Drinking Age
Age for Purchasing Alcohol and Tobacco
Driving Age
Some Illegal Drugs
Helmet Laws

Hopefully someone actually reads my blog, and will add more for comment. I truly believe that we Americans have made the government responsible for to much of what we should be responsible for. We spend way to much time and taxpayers money on combating natural selection.

06 October 2007

Will Annoy Those North of the US Border

If you, my great readers, have not figured it out yet, I work in a prison. Prisoners have their own jargon just like sportsmen, soldiers, and specialist in their own fields. Every thing from, being "hit" meaning you were volunteered, as in "I was hit for over time" or "He was hit to take the fall", to names for crimes, I.E. Snapper, Ripper, or Skinner equals child molester. Sometimes these jargon words change from state to state Snapper being popular in VT while Skinner is popular in NH. Sometimes the Jargon is brought in from other fields like sports, take a guess what "tight-end" means here. Sometimes prison speak creates more prison speak. Informants are 'rats', rats eat cheese, therefore a 'Cheese Eater' is an informant, by the way a 'Cheese Eater' in Military Speak is a 'Brown Noser' or 'Ass Kisser' in common speak. Ok, I think you got it.

Here is the part that will really annoy Canadians. If you were to study prison jargon, you could easily identify what state, level of security, and/or federal versus state custody the inmate was use to. In the state I work for, but not live in, we have had a push to eliminate racism. Certain words, phrases, and or symbols will get our inmates punished. The inmates have likewise developed ways to be racist without being open about it. In my prison where the white inmates out number the black inmates 10 to 1 the new 'N' Word is Canadian. In a sick and pointless way, it is very clever. We do border Canada, and we do have a few Canadian Inmates, and we do have an abundance of people with Canadian Ancestry, so the inmates already have three excuses ready. Then there is the issue, that for us to prove it is a racist term, we must think racially. I mean how many people can honestly say that if I called them and said I was from Africa they would picture me as white, or I called and said I was calling from Canada would picture me as Black. Even though the country of South Africa has a very large white population and Canada has many African Canadians.

Now you may be asking, what is he rambling about? I am rambling because I just completed a Hostage Negotiation Class. I learned some really neat stuff, and found it, like a lot of stuff, nothing like the movies portray. I won't go into all that went on, except to say most of it was designed to test our ability to think quickly and apply certain skills. We also learned that use of these skills built repore with the Hostage Taker(HT). In my case, the HT would be an inmate, and one technique is to use terms they were use to when applying the skills.

I became famous in the school during one cession. I was awoken at 4am for a 4 Minute Drill. These drills are designed to test our skills, and since we are on call 24/7, the instructors tested us at will. We were woken up and tested, we would be coming out of a bathroom or watching TV and someone would call us to do a drill. On that night we had been drilled at 1am, and like some of the others in the class, I noticed that only 3 of the 6 instructors were present, so I went back upstairs and went back to sleep expecting another drill. I learned in Iraq how to sleep when you had the chance, but I have been home awhile, and I am not in practice of waking up immediately alert anymore. So I am awoken and proceed to the drill. The scenario is of one of our most famous inmates taking over a unit. This inmate is African American, but the instructor portraying him in white. So the instructor is there yelling at me, and throwing things at me, and the fog of sleep has not cleared. I manage to hit a few of the skills, but missed a opening, upon which the instructor turns their back on me and says "You’re not listening because I am black". Immediately I know I missed something and that he is accusing me of being a racist. In my mind I try to regroup and reconnect, I am thinking about the last statement and proclaim "your blackness has nothing to do with it". A millisecond later I realize my error, and 2 milliseconds later realize the room is silent. I look over the barricade and see one instructor holding a clipboard to their face so I won't see them laughing, another has their head down on their table attempting the same thing, and there in the middle is the actor instructor staring at me with a stunned expression. His next words completely destroy my logic, "So what? Are you going to call me a Canadian now?". To which I reply, "Are you Canadian?". At this point the Actor Instructor goes off and I am not allowed another ‘in’ the rest of the drill. Later, during the feedback cession, after I had been thoroughly humiliated, I was informed about the meaning of Canadian. I honestly did know at that time as I rarely work in Gen Pop on shifts where Inmates are awake. I totally destroyed my chance at building repore with the HT, and failed to get it back by not catching the soft ball jargon and explaining my other slip up.

19 September 2007

Don't Taser Me Bro

Ah, I have returned, my most glorious of readers! Hello to all three of you. LOL

I have tried to think of what I should enter for a new post and keep getting twisted. Should I attack Nanny Laws, or try to exemplify the lack of interpersonal respect I see growing in the US, add commentary on the lousy candidates for president, or do something random?

Here is what I came up with:

The situation with Taser Boy at UF, has had me in stitches all day. The idea it looked like a Monty Python Skit made me laugh. The plain fact that no one is coming out of the situation looking good is a side bar. I know I should be concerned, but the guy got what he wanted.

Now here are two talking points I have been following on the subject.

The first is freedom of Speech.

How did anything, that the Security People did, remove his freedom of speech? No one gaged him, he screamed freely. He even has a greater audience through the coverage of the event. I mean, does anyone know what the guy right before him was talking about? Unlike the speaker/questioner directly before him, everyone who has heard a report on the incident, has an idea of what taser boy was talking about.

His actions, such as cutting in line, trying to control the mic, and trying to use more time than allotted, infringed on the other peoples freedom of Speech and assemble. He stole the show and ensured his was the only speech that was well known.

My first "Here's what Mid-Knight Thinks" of the day:

Chaos does not promote freedom of speech, it promotes freedom to be loud. A thousand voices speaking at the same time has the same effect that silencing them does. You need order to ensure an Idea is heard. A thousand voices speaking as one, or one voice speaking for a thousand, or 999 silences listening to one voice, is more clear and effective.

The Second Talking-Point I have seen today is Police Brutality.

I do not believe that the "Taser" incident was a good example of police brutality, nor do I believe it was a good example of the proper use of force by the police. The situation was to overtly manipulated at the scene for anyone not there to make a good judgement.

Do I think Police Brutality exist? Hell yes. Do I think it is prevalent? Hell no.

The fact is "tasers" and pain compliance techniques were developed to be less brutal. The "hero" here could have been shot or beaten into submission, but he wasn't. Had either party been just a little bit more polite things would have been done better.

Here is the issue I am having here. Myself (a corrections officer), or your average law enforcement officer, or a Judo/Jujitsu practitioner's, or your average high school wrestler, could have planted Taser Boy with a couple of different maneuvers. It would have been brutal, it would have been sudden, it would have been spectacular looking, and it would have been final. The UF security guys were, in my eyes, to nice when he started resisting. If he had hurt someone or was a true threat the security guys would have been less concerned with his safety. He should have been warned then tased. The actual tasing came to late in the event, almost like an after thought or "gee, it would have been easier if I Tased him". But, in the end, it is impossible to painlessly cuff any non-compliant person.

My second "Here's what Mid-Knight Thinks":

I am no expert, but here is how I would have handled it.

3 Officers, 1 -TL (Team Leader) and 2 Responders

Upon request the TL would have had his Taser on the guy ready to shoot.
The 2 responders would have approached him on the left and right.
The TL would have asked him to leave.
If he declined, the TL would increase the rate, tone, pitch, and volume for his second request.
If he refused again, the TL would repeat his request adding that he will use the taser if necessary; while the responders took the perp by the arms to escort him out.
If he pulled away or became agressive the TL would play tag with him using the taser.
If he just resisted by playing dead or dragging his feet, the 2 responders would have brought him to a controlling surface (I.E. Floor or Wall) and proceeded to cuff him.

Again it is impossible to painlessly cuff a non-compliant person.

In my scenario, the taser would only be deployed if the perp had either gotten loose and tried to flee, gotten loose and took up an offensive stance, or had managed to gain control of one of the officers.

16 September 2007

E-Mail from a Friend

To: ME
Subject: Furious!
Am I the only person in America that is totally FURIOUS about what's going on in this country? How dare they "dis" General Petraeus! I can't believe that Americans are so dumb or at least so quiet. (not to mention the Republicans, oh yeah).

And then there were the two big final tennis matches of the US Open...Did anyone except me notice that they did not play the National Anthem? They played God Bless America instead. God Bless America is a fine wonderful hymn but it is NOT the national Anthem.
Help! I need a cold compress on my head!

My reply!


I worked for GEN Petraeus in Iraq. It was his command that you and the school sent things too. It was appreciated. He is a good man and deserved better. We as a Nation seem to be going through a Identity Crisis. Everyone was so upset about Brittney, yet very few were upset about the baseless character assignation of the General.

I didn't see the Tennis Thing because I was in the Hostage Negotiation School, but that is wrong on a couple of levels. I am surprised, that no one has hit them with a discrimination charge. I assume there are other religions allowed to play tennis. It also seems wrong, because it is the US Open, not the Someone Else Besides the US Open.

Here are a couple I picked up this week or so.

Democratic Senators running for President claiming Bush is a big spender (Duh!), yet this Democratic control Congress/Senate, in under a year, has had more pork spending than any other Congress/Senate during the Bush Administration.

Some Millionaire Guy gets lost and probably dies flying his plane, and thousands of people are mobilized to look for him. A pretty CO-ED goes missing and it's just a minor search, and a 14 year old girl of Sri Lankan/Spanish background does not even get a national commentary. First time I ever saw MWMS trump MPWWS. (Missing White Millionaire Syndrome vs Missing Pretty White Woman Syndrome (yes that is real, Google it)).

Why do people not seem to understand that Universal Health Care and Socialist Health Care are interchangeable descriptions? Why are the Republicans seemingly pushing for Fascism and the Democrats Socialism? Do you think even 1/2 of the people using words that end in an "ism" on the Internet know what they mean?

Do you think anyone else thinks it ironic, to see political activist, Anti-Semites, peace nicks, the 911 twoof movement, and many other groups that claim they're against the Capitalistic Military-Industrial Complex; accepting Visa, MasterCard, AMEX, and Discover Card, while selling their slogans on T-shirts and bumper stickers?

06 September 2007

Been There, Done That

Ok, for the thousands of you yet to read my post, I am not a member of the "Truth" Movement. It is a pile of Shit.

I use to think that there would be nothing wrong with allowing a new investigation. I sunk into researching evidence, checking facts, and reviewing theories. I looked at the logical and the illogical. I watch movies, posted on forums, and read blogs. I found things that made me rub my chin, but nothing that made discredit the so called official CT.

Wait you say! You just wrote that things made you ask questions and wonder! You have too mistrust the final account! To which I answer NO!!

I did not find a single bit of evidence to indicate malice on the part of the Government. Point of fact, the very reasons I mistrust government bureaucracy, lead me to believe the government had nothing to do with it.

If at this point in my narrative you're stuttering and sputtering!! I think you have not look into this well at all. In fact I dare say you've read only 1/2 of the issue, either debunker or truther.

To avoid having to answer questions from both sides, I am going to try and show you the type of stuff that makes me go ummm. When I was about 14, my sister and I were returning back to a boys Camp she worked at and I was training to work at. We encountered a car accident within minutes of it happening (long before cell phones), another car had gotten there right before us, and one of it's occupants had gone to call the police. I remember the person explaining that to us when I saw the head. I would later find out the head belonged to one of the drivers involved in a two car accident. Two groups of teens had been out and unfortunately collided at high speeds on a sharp corner, none survived. I do not remember if alcohol was involved. I do remember thinking that you could not tell where one car stopped and the other began in the wreckage. I remember first wondering about how different the head looked than the movies portray. I then wondered how it had made it out of the wreckage. There were also pieces of clothing and shoes. I could think of reasons why and how those made it out of the wreckage, but it wasn't like the guy was not wearing his head and it was left in the cars trunk.

Did the head make me go UMM? Yes! Was it in any way a significant piece of evidence? I don't think so. It might have demonstrated an unknown safety hazard, or possibly the position the driver was in. But as too the cause of the accident, I would think that skid marks and and total wreckage location would have been better evidence. But maybe someone chopped off the head and then set up the accident, or maybe the guy had his head out of the window because something was blocking his vision or someone farted, or maybe two groups of teens were driving too fast and collided.

Another UMM! In a documentary on the Titanic I saw, the investigators found a group of buttons, a belt buckle, and pieces of shoes. Separately it would have amazed me in that they found them at all. Together and laid out like they were, these pieces were more amazing. To me it looked like a body had landed and lain in the same position until everything not metallic had rotted away. I thought to myself, why didn't a current move the body, or fishes eating the corpse disrupt the straight line that could be drawn by connecting the buttons? If their had been no body and this was just empty clothing that had floated down, how did it land so perfectly, with the boots then the belt buckle and then the shirt buttons? And what the F#$% did it have to do with the ship sinking?

No, I dare say nothing that made me rub my chin, made me doubt the plausible OCT. The fact that no two truthers can come up with the same Unofficial CT, leads me to believe that even if another investigation was done, someone would be unhappy and want another one. Until Truthers can come up with plausible, logical, and irrefutable evidence, they should get squat.

But hell I am in a Physc Ward Also.

04 September 2007

Hello from the MH Wing

Hi, I am just starting and this is my first post, I hope to update regularly